I can safely say, on the authority of all that is revealed in the Word of God, that any man or woman on this earth who is bored and turned off by worship is not ready for heaven.
A. W Tozer
Tozer is my kind of man! He understood the joy of a deep and personal relationship with God. He understood true worship.
"During his life Dr A. W. Tozer was known for many things: an outspoken critic of the religious scene, an outstanding preacher, an editor of a leading Christian periodical, and author of several devotional classics. The real focus, however, of his daily life centered on the worship of God. Nothing else so occupied his mind and life. This worship of God was not something tacked onto a busy schedule. It became the one great passion of his life. Everything revolved around his personal worship of God." by Rev. James L. Snyder
Through worship, God met with me. Through worship, I got a glimpse of eternity. Through worship, I was made free. The style of worship and worship songs may have changed over the years but the center of our worship hasn’t – God is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Christian music has come a long way since I became a Christian back in the early eighties. I still listen to some of the old songs that have inspired me all those years ago. Petra, Kevin Prosch and Julie Millar all had a great impact on me. Nowadays I tend to listen to a variety of songs rather than a particular artist. However I do enjoy listening to David Crowder - he writes some amazing tunes to very simple yet profound lyrics.